Looks like you can sign up for the public beta for VMWare on Intel MacOSX now.
They have a form you can fill out with your name and email address. You will be contacted via email when they are ready for you to start beta testing.
If you have never used it before, VMWare is software that allows you to run multiple operating systems at a time, each of them in a window running like any other application. It has been a great tool for developement since it lets you setup many different configurations, and simply start them up for testing.
For example, I currently run Windows XP Professional, but I have numerous VMWare sessions that include Windows 2000, 2003, Vista, and even Windows NT 4.0. I can fire any one of those up at any time and test our applications against them. All without ever setting up another computer.
The question that still remains – will Apple ever allow the day where I could install Mac OSX in a Windows VMWare session? Hmm. Only time will tell.
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