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McAfee releases Vista compatible virus scan.

by Steve Wiseman on December 5, 2006 · 0 comments

in Windows


McAfee announced the final release of Virus Scan 8.5. It marks the first version supporting Vista, and 64 bit windows.

McAfee 8.5 Install

In the press release for the new product, Microsoft chimed in with support:

“Our partners play a vital role in the early adoption, development and delivery of Microsoft technologies. By working closely with partners like McAfee, we are helping to provide our mutual customers with a high quality product, seamless technology integration, and improved user experiences.”

It seems that McAfee is satisfied with the changes Microsoft made to Vista. They are able to implement their products without any special hacks. If you missed it – earlier in the year McAfee made lots of noise about the 64 bit version of Windows. They claimed that the way Microsoft had designed it would require them to hack the operating system, and called for Microsoft to make changes to Vista before it was released. At the last moment Microsoft relented.

We did some internal testing of 8.5 here, and it seems a little snappier than the previous version with a few minor updates like some updates to access protection rules.

McAfee 8.5 console

One thing to note, these features are not supported on the 64 bit version:

– Buffer Overflow Protection.
– Scanning of Lotus Notes databases.
– Alert Manager 4.7.1.

If you have a grant number with McAfee, you should be able to start downloading today.

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