Like me, I know many of you are probably starting to take a look at Windows 2008 for your environment…so this might be of use to you.
I came across a detailed performance tuning guide that Microsoft released back in June. What does it cover? Here is a list of the performance tuning sections within the document (Almost 80 pages):
-Performance Tuning for Server Hardware
-Performance Tuning for Networking Subsystem
-Performance Tuning for Storage Subsystem
-Performance Tuning for Web Servers
-Performance Tuning for File Servers
-Performance Tuning for Active Directory Servers
-Performance Tuning for Terminal Server
-Performance Tuning for Terminal Server Gateway
-Performance Tuning for Virtualization Servers
-Performance Tuning for File Server Workload (NetBench)
-Performance Tuning for Network Workload (NTttcp)
-Performance Tuning for Terminal Server Knowledge Worker Workload
-Performance Tuning for SAP Sales and Distribution Two-Tier Workload
If you have deployed, or planing on deploying Windows 2008 any time soon it is worth a look.
Here is the link:
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