I came across a PDF this week that might be of interest to you.
It is a declassified e-book that was written for spies within the NSA to find information on the Internet.
Some of it is old by now (Talks about Windows 2000 and XP only), but many of the tricks and tips they talk about in this book are still relevant today.
It helps to look through this to get an idea where your organization might be vulnerable.
One of the more interesting chapters is called “Google Hacking”
Here is an example search you can do on google right now:
[filetype:xls confidential]
Here is what I get back from google:
Just think if you had a mis-configured web server, and then think about how typical users throw files around your network!
Much easier to find when you know how to look. Scary stuff.
The book covers a wide range of topics, but basically is a guide on how to find private information on the Internet without hacking.
Get the 600+ page book here:
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Cool stuff steve. I finally downloaded a copy. Indeed it is a little dated, but it still has tones of ideas of where to look for holes in your security policy.
Thanks for the tip!